Raman Microscopy: Developments and Applications
Raman Microscopy: Developments and Applications PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
One of the first books devoted entirely to the subject of Raman microscopy, this volume addresses issues of great interest to engineers working in Raman-microscope development and researchers concerned with areas ofapplication for this science. The book is written by several world recognized experts, who summarize the Raman effect before discussing the hardware and software involved in todays instruments. This format provides an excellent introduction to this up-and-coming discipline. All important applications, including those in materials science and earth science are covered in depth.Includes extensive description of the instrumentation, the Raman microspectrograph, the treatment of data, and micro-Raman imaging
Examines the use of Raman microscopy in diverse applications, including some of the hyphenated methods
Summarizes the Raman effect
Discusses new uses for this technology
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